In this case study, approximately 10,000 existing
What was the most difficult part of producing it? This owned media, which achieved great results in about six months, did not proceed without any obstacles. I would like to tell you two things that I struggled with. A huge amount of content had to be created and revised every month.pieces of content were reviewed in parallel with the release of 20 to 50 pieces of new content every month.To be honest, even though we had a relatively large amount of human resources, the amount of work was quite heavy. Owned media must maintain not only the quantity of content but also its quality. However, if the number of productions is the goal, there is a risk that the quality will decline or that existing Special Datacontent will not be taken care of properly. In order to maintain and improve the quality of the media as a whole, reviews should be made at least every year.
The burden on the consultants leading the huge production team was extremely heavy. Because this owned media had grown and become large-scale since its launch, it had been allocated a large budget and had a well-established content production system. Establishing a routine for content production is a positive sign that media operations are on track. However, within the client company's team, there was an inertial mindset that ``we just need to produce as many as we can.