Be careful that the priority is to use the categories
For example, if you have a category titled "Services and Products" on your site, you can only use the words "Products" or "Services" in its URL. If the title of the blog post is "How to escape from a critical and embarrassing situation at work", you can use the phrase "Escape-critical-working-conditions" in the URL instead of using the entire phrase in the URL of the page. use. Avoid using any prepositions in the URL. Maybe this item contradicts item number 12. in the URL, but in such a way that all the terms related to their names are used in the URL in a short and concise manner. 14. Create an HTML sitemap An HTML sitemap is created for users and should not be confused with an XML sitemap.The purpose of creating an HTML site map is to provide a list of the Phone Number List most important site addresses for users, so that they can follow them with just one click. Webmasters usually place the HTML sitemap link at the bottom of the site. 15. Create an XML sitemap and upload it to the host An XML sitemap is a more complex version of an HTML sitemap. This sitemap has codes that can be understood by search engines. Creating an XML sitemap is easier than it seems. Many websites and content management system plugins are able to generate this file. After uploading this file, you should introduce it to Google through the search console.
Be careful that Google monitors its pages even without a sitemap, but the presence of a sitemap can make this work faster and more accurate. 16. Always update the site map Whether you are aware of it or not, your website is always changing. You are always adding new pages to the site, deleting pages or changing the overall structure of the site. When making such changes, updating the site map is usually forgotten. So always remind yourself to update it. Failure to update the sitemap will not decrease the ranking in the search results, but it will help to run SEO strategies more smoothly.