On average
For example, do you want to sell a particular product or service? If so, what content can you make for that article? Also, don't be afraid to use multiple media sources, such as videos, blogs , infographics, and more. If each piece focuses on a specific actionable goal, you can measure whether your strategy is working or not. Mistake 2: Being fickle How often do you publish new content? And how often do you reuse archived pieces? If you don't have a consistent schedule, it's hard to maintain momentum. For example, one week, you might publish three blog posts and then nothing for the next two weeks.Consistency is essential because it guarantees that your audience is Phone Number List always expectant. On average, you need to connect with a lead eight times before converting them into a customer. The longer the period between these touchpoints, the more difficult it will be to group them together. For example, if three months go by between interactions, it's the same as starting from scratch each time. One of the best ways to ensure consistency is to create a Content Marketing calendar . This way, you can schedule posts in advance so you don't fall behind. That being said, you should have enough content to promote; That's where archived posts come into play .
60% of marketers say they create at least one piece of content per day. Mistake 3: Not being aligned between departments Too often, sales and marketing departments are in their own bubbles and don't communicate with each other. Salespeople rely on instinct and proven tactics to close a deal. On the other hand, marketers use data and trends to promote different products. If these departments are not aligned, it can create friction, both within your company and with your customers. For example, if the marketing team creates a campaign to promote a specific product, does the sales team know what is selling and why? Otherwise, they can lead customers to something different, defeating the entire purpose of the campaign. Instead, managers should bring sales and marketing together when developing Content Marketing pieces.