Other sources, however, use search intention and user intention interchangeably. We have never used the term “user intention” internally or in dialogue with customers, even though as an SEO agency we deal with the topic of search intention every day. Good SEO and good website navigation mean that the user sees all of their intentions served on the same website and no longer has to search for anything new in Google during their session. Rather, it can achieve its goal in a clearly understandable way through the content structure and internal links within the website.
Those who build websites of this type do not find the distinction between search intention and HK Phone Number user intention that important. A little technical excursion You may be surprised that on our “Search Intent” page we address the conceptual distinction between “Search Intent vs. User Intention,” even though we think it is of little relevance. So why? Here we briefly go to the meta level: This distinction is part of the search intention of users who search for “search intention”. This can be seen from the fact that the pages that rank in Google for the search term “search intent” almost all deal with this topic and are obviously rewarded by Google for it. This means: What we as authors find relevant does not matter to Google users.

After all, this guide is written for YOU – the readers from Google – not for ourselves, the svaerm editorial team. This is search intent in action. By now it should be clear that organic visibility in Google is not just a wish. (Read this paragraph with the gentle voice of an understanding SEO trying to explain to customers that we cannot force rankings - at least not when the content orientation of a web page is determined by customers on our SEO approach and trust us, it will work better.) Expanding the definition of “search intent” In practice, it is helpful to distinguish between primary and secondary search intentions: Primary Search Intent: The user’s main intent.